
Vegan & Fair Fashion Guide with 209 green lifestyle tips

Here you can have a look at my Fair Fashion Guide and Blogroll.

Some bloggers like Maddie of Dariadaria, JuYogi und To Know Wear etc. inspired me to create a Vegan and Fair Fashion Guide for you. Apart from that I created a Blogroll with amazing (vegan) blogger girls who write about slow fashion and sustainability.

It was half a year ago when I decided to not only buy vegan fashion only but to also ask myself: Who made my clothes? It feels good to buy animal- and human friendly fashion. A big reason why I decided to create this guide is to show how many amazing labels out there produce vegan and/or fair and sustainable fashion/bags/shoes. The variety is huge, so it’s really easy to shop cool eco fashion. Apart from that I’m really happy to share reading material in the form of slow fashion bloggers with you. It’s crazy how quick the fair fashion scene has been growing recently.


What came out was a guide including 209 tips round off the topic Fair Shopping. 80 clothing labels, 15 vegan bags and accessories labels, 22 fair/vegan shoe brands, 9 sustainable jewelry brands, some eyewear tipps and 46 slow fashion blogger! I think it was never as easy to live a green lifestyle!

You can find my guide above in the menu. It will be updated regularly.


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1 Comment

  • Reply yourgreenblog 13. April 2016 at 1:47 pm

    have you seen the documentary „the true cost“? I can highly recommend it. about the true cost of the global fashion industrie.

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